Parotid Cancer
Parotid cancer is a relatively rare disease, with a global incidence of 0.5-3/100,000, accounting for 3%-5% of all head and neck malignancies. Most parotid gland tumors are benign, but about 20% are malignant. According to the Malaysian Journal of Medicine and Health Sciences, from 2007 to 2012, the country had an average of 10 new cases of parotid gland cancer each year, with a male-to-female ratio of 1.4:1.
Parotid Cancer
Five-year survival rate
  • about 95%

    Early-stage (stage I-II)
  • about 50%

    Mid-stage (stage III)
  • about 10% to 12%

    Late-stage (stage IV)

Why do you get parotid cancer?

🟢Environmental factors. Frequent exposure to X-rays and other radioactive substances, or frequent participation in heavy metal processing work, may cause parotid cancer.

🟢Family history. People with a family history of parotid cancer have a higher risk of disease than those without a history.

🟢Infectious factors. If the patient is infected with the Epstein-Barr virus and causes mumps, and the condition is not controlled for a long time, the incidence of parotid cancer may increase.

🟢Unhealthy lifestyle. Long-term smoking, harmful substances in tobacco such as nicotine can cause cell DNA damage and mutation, thereby increasing the risk of parotid cancer; long-term alcoholism will also increase the risk of disease.

What are the symptoms of parotid cancer?
  • 01

    Painless ear lumps: Painless lumps caused by parotid cancer are mostly nodular, usually appearing below or behind the earlobe, and have the characteristics of slow growth and mobility.
  • 02

    Facial paralysis: If the facial nerve is invaded, facial paralysis will occur, which is manifested by symptoms such as crooked corners of the mouth and inability to close the eyes.
  • 03

    Limited mouth opening: Patients will have difficulty opening their mouths.
  • 04

    Abnormal secretions: Once mumps cause the skin of the lesion to be infiltrated, causing abnormal ulceration of the skin, the wound will produce foul-smelling secretions due to infection.
  • 05

    Hearing impairment: The tumor destroys the external auditory canal and eustachian tube, causing patients to have hearing impairment, tinnitus, deafness, etc.
  • 06

    Enlarged lymph nodes: Enlarged parotid lymph nodes or cervical lymph nodes cause patients to experience symptoms such as inability to turn their necks normally, soreness, numbness, and pain.
Integrated Minimally Invasive Treatment VS Traditional Treatment
St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou mainly adopts the new integrated anti-cancer mode of "combination of TCM and western medicine, minimally invasive targeted therapy" to treat cancer, such as interventional therapy, seeds implantation therapy, combined knife, microwave ablation, nano-knife, cryotherapy, etc. It formulates personalized integrated minimally invasive treatment plans by combining the specific condition of each cancer patient with his or her personal needs.

Integrated Minimally Invasive Treatment x St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

1、No need for resection, high surgical precision, and fewer complications: Minimally invasive treatment can protect parotid tissue, facial blood vessels and nerves to a great extent, and enter the parotid gland through a tiny incision for high-precision treatment operations, greatly reducing complications such as postoperative infection.

2、less trauma, fewer side effects, fewer complications, and faster recovery: Minimally invasive treatment is a minimally invasive, non-open surgery, with less postoperative pain and quick recovery, which greatly improves the patient's quality of life and reduces damage to the facial nerves.

3、Short treatment time: The minimally invasive treatment cycle is about one week, with a short recovery cycle and fast results, helping patients return to normal life faster.

4、No need to queue, make an appointment and do it immediately, moderate price, privacy first: A minimally invasive treatment takes about 30 minutes, patients do not need to queue, make an appointment on the same day, and receive treatment on the same day. Patients' personal privacy is guaranteed to the greatest extent throughout the treatment.

Traditional treatments for parotid cancer

Surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, etc.
1、Serious postoperative side effects and many complications: Traditional treatment methods are prone to infection and bleeding after surgery, leading to nerve damage, side effects such as facial paralysis, one eye larger than the other, disappearance of forehead wrinkles, shallowing of the nasolabial folds, salivation and taste sweating syndrome, which greatly affect the patient's quality of life.

2、Long treatment cycle and recovery time: Traditional treatments usually take many weeks or even months, with a long recovery time and possible rehabilitation, which can negatively affect the patient's psychological and emotional well-being.

3、High risk of recurrence and metastasis: Traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, are prone to make patients resistant to them, immunosuppression, and other problems, and the treatment effect decreases day by day, making it more difficult.

4、 Appointment queuing system, high prices, and lack of timely communication between doctors and nurses: Traditional treatments are usually performed long after the appointment and do not allow for timely follow-up of the patient's status after the procedure.
Parotid Cancer Patient Stories
They come from different countries around the world, but they have experienced the same experience and endured the pain that cancer has brought to them. However, now, with the effective treatment and meticulous care of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, they have rekindled their confidence in life and become anti-cancer fighters. Here, they share their anti-cancer experience, love and warmth with everyone.
Parotid gland cancer
treatment plan:Interventional therapy + Particle implantation
"A few days after the particle implantation, the tumor on my right cheek was significantly reduced in size, I was shocked by such an effect, and I am very satisfied with this treatment!" Just after entering Ms. Lau 's room, she couldn't wait to share her treatment....
parotid gland cancer
treatment plan:Interventional Therapy + Particle Implantation
(Personal interview with Ms. Chen) On November 15, 2023, St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhouheld "Belt and Road Holistic Integrated Oncology Training Base-The Come-home Gala of Anti-Cancer Stars" activity. The activityinvited 9 international anti-cancer stars from various countries to share their anti-cancer experience and journey. Ms. Chen, a parotid gland cancer anti...
Parotid Gland Cancer
treatment plan:interventional therapy
Malaysian Chan Pui Ling was diagnosed with parotid gland cancer in 2015. After two sessions of surgical operation, tumor spread to the tissue of her eyes. She came to St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou to seek treatment and after interventi...
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Oral Cancer
In Malaysia, the incidence of oral cancer ranks 19th among all cancers, with an average of 2,199 new cases in five years. Oral cancer patients in Malaysia are mainly older people, with more men than women. Patients over 60 account for 51.7%, and the average age of diagnosis is 58.1 years old. According to MDPI magazine, based on population growth, the incidence of oral cancer in Malaysia is expected to double by 2040.
Oral Cancer
Five-year survival rate
  • about 80% to 90%

    Early-stage (stage I-II)
  • about 50% to 60%

    Mid-stage (stage III)
  • about 20% to 30%

    Late-stage (stage IV.)

Why do you develop oral cancer?

🟢Poor oral hygiene. Bacteria, mold, etc. breed and spread in the oral cavity, combined with inflammation, etc., causing some cells to proliferate and become more sensitive to carcinogens.

🟢Smoking and drinking. Research shows that smoking is significantly related to the incidence of oral cancer (including tongue cancer). The earlier you smoke and the longer you smoke, the higher the risk. If you smoke 15 cigarettes + drink 2 taels of alcohol a day, the incidence of oral cancer is 7.28 times higher than that of ordinary people.

🟢Long-term foreign matter irritation. Prolonged irritation by residual roots or crowns of teeth, sharp tips, ill-fitting dentures, chewing betel nut, and betel nut mixtures increase the cell division activity of the oral mucosa, producing chronic inflammation and causing cancer.

What are the symptoms of oral cancer?
  • 01

    Ulcers or lumps: Oral cancer often manifests as ulcers or lumps in the mouth that do not heal for a long time, especially ulcers that are ineffective in treatment, which should be vigilant.
  • 02

    Oral bleeding: Persistent oral bleeding is a common symptom of oral cancer, especially bleeding without obvious reasons, such as bleeding gums and oral mucosa.
  • 03

    Foreign body sensation in the mouth: Patients may feel a foreign body sensation in the mouth and a sense of obstruction in the pharynx, which may be caused by tumor compression.
  • 04

    Pain in the mouth: Oral cancer patients often feel persistent pain in the mouth, which cannot be relieved by general drugs.
  • 05

    Difficulty in eating and chewing: Oral cancer can affect oral function, leading to difficulty in eating and chewing, and even difficulty in swallowing.
Minimally Invasive Treatment vs. Traditional Treatment
St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou mainly adopts the new integrated anti-cancer mode of "combination of TCM and western medicine, minimally invasive targeted therapy" to treat cancer, such as interventional therapy, seed implantation therapy, combined knife, microwave ablation, nano-knife, cryotherapy, etc. It formulates personalized integrated minimally invasive treatment plans by combining the specific condition of each cancer patient with his or her personal needs.

Integrated Minimally Invasive Treatment x St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

1、No need for resection, high surgical precision, and fewer complications: Minimally invasive treatment can greatly protect the oral and maxillofacial tissues, and highly precise treatment operations through tiny incisions greatly reduce postoperative infections.

2、Less trauma, fewer side effects, fewer complications, and faster recovery: Minimally invasive treatment is a minimally invasive, non-open surgery with less postoperative pain and faster recovery, avoiding damage to the oral and maxillofacial tissues and guaranteeing the patient's quality of life.

3、Short treatment time: The minimally invasive treatment cycle is about one week, with a short recovery cycle and fast results, helping patients return to normal life faster.

4、No need to queue, make an appointment and do it immediately, moderate price, privacy first: A minimally invasive treatment takes about 30 minutes, patients do not need to queue, make an appointment on the same day, and receive treatment on the same day. The personal privacy of patients is guaranteed to the greatest extent throughout the treatment.

Traditional treatments for oral cancer

Surgical resection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, etc.
1、Serious postoperative side effects and many complications: Traditional treatment methods are prone to infection and bleeding after surgery. Resection surgery may cause language function, swallowing function, respiratory function and other disorders and limited mouth opening, which greatly affects the patient's quality of life.

2、Long treatment cycle and recovery time: traditional treatments usually take many weeks or even months, with a long recovery time and possible rehabilitation, which can negatively affect the patient's psychological and emotional well-being.

3、High risk of recurrence and metastasis: Traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, are prone to make patients resistant to them, immunosuppression, and other problems, and the treatment effect decreases day by day, making it more difficult.

4、 Appointment queuing system, high prices, and lack of timely communication between doctors and nurses: Traditional treatments are usually performed long after the appointment and do not allow for timely follow-up of the patient's status after the procedure.
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Tongue cancer
Tongue cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors in oral cancer, which occurs in the tongue.
Tongue cancer
Five-year survival rate
  • about 80% to 90%

    Early-stage (stage I-II)
  • about 50% to 60%

    Mid-stage (stage III)
  • about 20% to 30%

    Late-stage (stage IV.)

Why do you get tongue cancer?

🟢Chronic infections. Inflammation or ulcers on the tongue that do not heal for a long time tend to become cancerous.

🟢Undernourishment. Vitamin A deficiency can cause tongue mucosal epithelial thickening and hyperkeratosis, leading to tongue cancer. Some studies also believe that diets low in iron and zinc may induce tongue cancer.

🟢Chemical Factors. Aromatic hydrocarbons in tobacco have carcinogenic effects. Long-term drinking of hard liquor has a higher chance of developing tongue cancer than people who do not drink. Smoking and alcohol stimulation are one of the causative factors of tongue cancer.

🟢Long-term foreign body irritation. Chewing betel nut and betel nut mixture can increase the division of oral mucosal cells and cause tongue cancer.

🟢Leukoplakia of the mucous membrane. Oral mucosal leukoplakia is a precancerous lesion, and the tongue is a common site for leukoplakia.

What are the symptoms of tongue cancer?
  • 01

    Ulcers: Tongue cancer often causes ulcers, which are typically hard, irregularly raised edges, and uneven bases. Ulcers can cause severe pain, salivation, bad breath, tongue movement disorders, chewing, speech, swallowing and other functional disorders after secondary infection.
  • 02

    Pain: Pain often occurs with ulcers, and in severe cases can radiate to the ears or temporal area.
  • 03

    Limited tongue movement and bradymasesis: When the tumor invades the deep muscles of the tongue, symptoms such as limited tongue movement, difficulty chewing, and slurred speech may occur.
Minimally Invasive Treatment vs. Traditional Treatment
St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou mainly adopts the new integrated anti-cancer mode of "combination of TCM and western medicine, minimally invasive targeted therapy" to treat cancer, such as interventional therapy, seed implantation therapy, combined knife, microwave ablation, nano-knife, cryotherapy, etc. It formulates personalized integrated minimally invasive treatment plans by combining the specific condition of each cancer patient with his or her personal needs.

Integrated Minimally Invasive Treatment x St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

1、No need for resection, high surgical precision, few complications: Minimally invasive treatment can greatly protect the tongue tissue and function, and highly precise treatment operations through tiny incisions can greatly reduce postoperative infections.

2、Small trauma, small side effects, few complications, and fast recovery: Minimally invasive treatment is a minimally invasive, non-open surgery with less postoperative pain and faster recovery, avoiding removal of the tongue, preserving speech function, and safeguarding the patient's quality of life.

3、Short treatment time: The minimally invasive treatment cycle is about one week, with a short recovery cycle and fast results, helping patients return to normal life faster.

4、No need to queue, make an appointment and do it immediately, moderate price, privacy first: A minimally invasive treatment takes about 30 minutes, patients do not need to queue, make an appointment on the same day, and receive treatment on the same day. The personal privacy of patients is guaranteed to the greatest extent throughout the treatment.

Traditional treatments for tongue cancer

Surgical resection, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, hormone therapy, etc.
1、Serious postoperative side effects and many complications: Traditional treatments are prone to postoperative infection and bleeding, and tongue cancer patients may experience complications such as dysphagia, slurred speech, and choking after resection surgery, which greatly affects patients' quality of life.

2、Long treatment cycle and recovery time: Traditional treatments usually take many weeks or even months, with a long recovery time and possible rehabilitation, which can negatively affect the patient's psychological and emotional well-being.

3、High risk of recurrence and metastasis: Traditional treatments, such as chemotherapy, are prone to make patients resistant to them, immunosuppression, and other problems, and the treatment effect decreases day by day, making it more difficult.

4、Appointment queuing system, high prices, and lack of timely communication between doctors and nurses: Traditional treatments are usually performed long after the appointment and do not allow for timely follow-up of the patient's status after the procedure.
Tongue Cancer Patient Stories
They come from different countries around the world, but they have experienced the same experience and endured the pain that cancer has brought to them. However, now, with the effective treatment and meticulous care of St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, they have rekindled their confidence in life and become anti-cancer fighters. Here, they share their anti-cancer experience, love and warmth with everyone.
tongue cancer
treatment plan:interventional therapy + gene targeted therapy
Malaysian patient LOH JUI TONG suffered from tongue cancer in 2015. He arrived at MCHG in July 2016. Currently, he has undergone interventional therapy and natural therapy and his tongue ulcer stopped, bump disappeared and taste recovered....
Tongue Cancer
treatment plan:
EVA JESSICA, comes from Indonesia, was diagnosed as tongue cancer. Refusing to take surgery in Malaysia, she came to St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for other treatment. With 2-month minimally invasive therapy, her tumor measuring 3cm shrank to 1cm. She didn’t suffer discomfort and her condition is normal....
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