Never Give Up Happiness after Cancer*
  • 浏览次数:62
  • 2016-07-08
  • 分享

In November, 2011, Chinese Indonesian, INDAHWATI JUTIAMI was diagnosed with breast cancer in Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and received treatment there, after going through sorrow, she regained happiness and lives an optimistic life. In 2014, she and her husband went back to hospital for a review check. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou held a Chinese traditional golden anniversary for the couple.

Detected Tumor after Health Examination

Since INDAHWATI JUTIAMI had chronic diarrhea for a long time, she went for body examination. A 1.5cm tumor was detected during the examination. The biopsy showed that it was cancer. The outcome of body check worried INDAHWATI JUTIAMI a lot and she was overwhelmed with hurry and confusion. Luckily, the discovery was in time. She was diagnosed with stageⅡright breast infiltrating ductal cancer. Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou provided various cancer treatments. INDAHWATI JUTIAMI received good efficacy treatment. After discussing with her husband, she decided to take modified radical mastectomy. That means she needed to take surgery first and then interventional therapy. After surgery, she received four times of interventional therapies. The tumor was controlled. INDAHWATI JUTIAMI had stayed in hospital for three months.

INDAHWATI JUTIAMI couple was satisfied with the cancer treatment. When they left hospital, they gave hospital a red packet, it wrote: “Never forget Mao Zedong for Liberation, never forget Deng Xiaoping for prosperity, and never forget Modern Cancer Hospital for treating cancer.” Besides, every time they came back for a review check, they brought small gifts for all medical workers in the hospital.

Held Golden Anniversary in Modern Cancer Hospital

INDAHWATI JUTIAMI’s condition had been under good control. She was very optimistic. People can’t tell that she was once a cancer patient. She travelled around, so far, INDAHWATI JUTIAMI’s cancer hadn’t relapsed.

In July, 2014, when INDAHWATI JUTIAMI went back to Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for a review check, medical workers held a Chinese traditional golden anniversary wedding for INDAHWATI JUTIAMI couple. Professor Peng Xiaochi was the marriage witness and he expressed good wishes for their marriage. INDAHWATI JUTIAMI shared her own experience in Bali forum. “Don’t worry about cancer. The most important thing is receiving treatment as soon as possible so it is important to take periodic physical examination, for example, woman should take breast and uterus check; man should check prostate more often.” She said.

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