
- Diseases:Breast cancer
- Treatment programs:interventional therapy + particle knife + cryotherapy
CHERYL DIANE CARL: There is no reason to give up, there’s plenty of things that can do to help you. Sometimes you get disappointed, but you got to handle disappointments and move on to the next, and it will work. I think it’s unfortunate today that a lot of people still have a big fear of cancer, it is a problem and challenge, but it is not the end of the world.
CHERYL DIANE CARL is a 69-year-old American woman with stage IV breast cancer. The tumor was about 5*6cm when she was first admitted to our hospital in January 2016 along with metastasis to the lungs, liver and right side axillary lymph nodes. After taking interventional therapy, cryotherapy, natural therapy and mastectomy in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, she is in a very good condition with no living cancer cells inside her body. She had great improvement and had been sustaining medications to defend her against the recurrence.
CHERYL now lives in Indonesia and is working as a teacher in an International School. A small lump was found on her right breast by mammogram last August, but CHERYL did not at first pay so much attention to it because she was assured that there was nothing to be alarmed of. In October, the lump grew as doubled though without any pain and discomforts. With the support of her husband, CHERYL went to a Singaporean hospital for further examination. This time, she was told to have stage II breast Cancer.
At 69 and knowing the severe toxic side effects like weakness, vomiting, pain, etc., CHERYL refused Singaporean doctors’ advice of chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgery and decided to look for a kind of better breast cancer treatment with lesser side effects. Fortunately, while in a doctor’s waiting room, she met an Indonesian female liver cancer patient whose tumor greatly shrank after taking minimally invasive therapy in St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. This is the first time that CHERYL has heard about St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, but the lady’s successful treatment experience greatly gave CHERYL the hope. CHERYL and her husband then search on the internet to get more information about St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and went to our branch office in Jakarta for free consultation. CHERYL and her husband decided to take cancer treatment in China after being told that we can help her. She told us that it is fate that brought her here, “I would never have known St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and took treatment here if I had not met that lady, so I am lucky.”
CHERYL and our medical staff
CHERYL came to St. Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou for treatment on January 2016. She first took a series of examinations which show that her tumor was enlarged to twice as big as before and worsened to stage IV, with metastasis to both lungs, liver right armpit lymph nodes. A treatment plan composed of interventional therapy, microwave ablation, cryotherapy, biological natural therapy and surgery was quickly made by the Multidisciplinary Team(MDT) due to the high malignancy. “There is one doctor that assigned to you, but there is also a team of doctors, they would talk to each other and compared, trying to decide the best plan. Every time I finished one session of treatment, they discussed and adjusted the treatment plan based on my real condition. That’s very good.” CHERYL commented.
CHERYL was first given interventional therapy to control and destroy the metastatic cancer cells, Cryotherapy and microwave ablation to treat the primary tumor. To her surprise, the metastatic cancer cells were gone after interventional therapy. Since the primary breast tumor was big and buried to her breast, anticancer drugs could not reach to the whole tumor though they had worked the best. On June 2016, the MDT suggested CHERYL to take mastectomy to get the best treatment effect, but CHERYL did not take the advice until August. What she did not expect is that mastectomy did not bring her bad effect on her but greatly improved her condition, “Probably this is the best thing ever because after the surgery, I couldn’t believe the difference. My immune system was so busy trying to do something with the cancer, but when they removed the cancer in my breast, my body was completely different. It was healing and I felt fine. I asked the doctor, should I have the surgery in Jan., he said he wouldn’t recommend that because they wanted to shrink the tumors in both lungs and liver, the treatment they gave me got rid of that. The primary tumor was the biggest problem, that’s why the surgery had taken place. It’s really help and amazing, and it’s really thorough!”
After several sessions of comprehensive minimally invasive treatment, there is none living cancer cells inside her body. CHERYL is really satisfied with the treatment effect, she also shared that one of her sister is working in an American clinic, doctors in America keep following her condition and told her that it’s a great improvement after reading her latest medical reports.
At the end of the interview, CHERYL made some comments on our service, “When you are in a surgery room, during the procedure, there is a translator who constantly asking, ‘Do you have any discomforts?’ As long as you have discomfort, they correct it. You know, it is a challenge for some who doesn’t speak Chinese to come to a Chinese hospital, but the translators have been very good here, even in the surgery. It’s amazing to me how easy it has been.” Besides, CHERYL also shared her battle experience to other cancer patients, “There is no reason to give up, there’s plenty of things that can do to help you. Sometimes you get disappointed, but you got to handle disappointments and move on to the next, and it will work. I think it’s unfortunate today that a lot of people still have a big fear of cancer, it is a problem and challenge, but it is not the end of the world. ”