Title:【2025 March Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!    Time:From March 23th, 2025    online free consultation appointment!
Title:【2025 March Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!      Time:Time:From March 23th, 2025      online free consultation appointment!
Minimally Invasive Therapy is Safer and More Effective against Lung Cancer
  • Views:181
  • 2024-03-17
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Truong Khac Tuoc Vietnam
Diseases:Lung Cancer
Treatment programs:interventional therapy + cryotherapy
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Truong Khac Tuoc, 63 years old, comes from Vietnam. His case is stage III lung cancer. In early 2018, symptoms of difficulty in breathing and cough started to show, so he got it checked in local hospital. Unfortunately, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. Doctors suggested him take surgery and chemotherapy. On account of his age and fears about side effects of systemic chemotherapy, family and he refused the suggestion.

lung cancer, crotherapy, interventional therapy, St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Truong Khac Tuoc and his wife

As an ordinary farmer, Truong Khac Tuoc has little knowledge about cancer treatment besides surgery and chemotherapy. He couldn’t find a way out. At that juncture, his children found St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou on internet. Knowing advanced minimally invasive therapy, which requires no surgery and systemic chemotherapy and, most importantly, many lung cancer patients with more serious situation gained good efficacy after minimally invasive treatment. Truong Khac Tuoc and his family immediately contacted a patient who has taken treatment in St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou and they made decision to take treatment in China.

On Feb. 2018,Truong Khac Tuoc and his wife arrived at St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. The Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) came up with a combined treatment plan based on his condition. “He has stage III lung cancer patient and he suffered symptoms of chest pain, cough, expectoration and difficulty in breathing. CT scans indicated there was a tumor measuring 2.1 cm*4.2 cm in his upper robe of right lung and cancer cells has spread to both lungs with multiple nodules. The treatment combining cryotherapy with interventional therapy will greatly improve his condition.” noted by his attending doctor, Wang Zenghai.

lung cancer, crotherapy, interventional therapy, St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

CT scans indicates tumor greatly shrank after the treatment

Upon the first admission, he took treatment and symptoms of chest pain, chest pain, cough and difficulty in breathing have been relived in 3 days. He also recalled, “during the treatment, the doctor applied local anesthesia and pain was dissipated within half an hour. Three days later, I felt much better. I am content with the efficacy I yielded. I’ve undergone biopsy, cryotherapy and interventional therapy, which is inaccessible in Vietnam. Thanks to advanced therapies and equipment in St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, I yielded good result. Moreover, I didn’t suffer any side effect as that of chemotherapy and avoid the risk of taking surgery.”

lung cancer, crotherapy, interventional therapy, St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou

Truong Khac Tuoc with his wife and medical staff

Up till now, Truong Khac Tuoc has taken one course of cryotherapy and three sessions of interventional therapy during three admissions. The tumor in upper robe of right lung has shrunk from 2.1 cm*4.2 cm to 1.9 cm*3.8 cm. Multiple nodules and symptoms of chest pain, cough and difficulty also have disappeared. He gained stable condition with normal diet and sound sleep.

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