Title:【2025 March Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!    Time:From March 23th, 2025    online free consultation appointment!
Title:【2025 March Cancer Treatment And Prevention Minimally Invasive Technologies Sharing Session】 Invite you to join us!      Time:Time:From March 23th, 2025      online free consultation appointment!
Treatment advice for stage III rectal cancer

According to the standard of rectal cancer treatment. If you have symptoms like black stool, ileus or diarrhea, etc. Take medium to high-grade rectal cancer for an example. If the patient can receive anus-preserving operation, I recommend that before operation. You need to check if you have metastasis in pelvis, abdomen, liver or distant lungs. If without metastasis, it’s a local tumor. Then we recommend local radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy so as to shrink the tumor size. Then you can receive surgical resection.

After surgery, you need to check based on pathological staging to see if you need treatments for other sites. If you have completed the surgery and all aspects of the evaluation are good. You just need to conduct regular follow-up 2 years after surgery. If you havn’t other symptoms like enterostenosis or obstruction and without metastasis in any other sites. Then your condition is relatively good. Just need regular reexamination

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