
- Nguyen Thi Tuoi Vietnam
- Diseases:Colon Cancer
- Treatment programs:interventional therapy
Nguyen Thi Tuoi, 47 years old, comes from Vietnam. In Oct. 2014, she was diagnosed with colonrectal cancer and underwent surgery and chemotherapy in Vietnam. In early 2015, she finished 12 sessions of chemotherapy and her condition was under control. She insisted taking checkup every three months in the following year.
Nguyen Thi Tuoi
However, in the end of 2016, Nguyen was found with higher level of tumor marker. PET-CT scan indicated cancer recurrence and metastasis to spleen with 1.4cm tumor.
She was terrified and depressed about the result, having been through such hard life and she even has grandchildren then. Unexpectedly, she was diagnosed with cancer. Encouragement from families give impetus to her fight against cancer. She has been taking chemotherapy for 7 months, side effects of long-term chemo lead to only weaker body. Her condition became worse with tumor enlarged.
At that juncture, a friend recommended St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. In Aug. 2017, Nguyen started treatment in Guangzhou, China.
Taking minimally invasive treatment in Guangzhou
Upon arrival at St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Nguyen took thorough checkup, which indicated tumor in her spleen has grown to 1.2*2.1 cm. the Multidisciplinary Team(MDT) conducted discussion based on her condition and came up with a combined treatment plan with interventional therapy and natural therapy.
Nguyen with medical staff
Interventional therapy is performed by injecting a tumor embolization agent into the blood supply artery of the tumor through a special catheter with a diameter of less than 2 mm, and block the blood vessel supplying the tumor so that the tumor loses blood supply and “starves to death”. At the same time anticancer drugs in the embolization agent enter the tumor and perform sustained release to the lesion. Due to long-term chemotherapy in Vietnam, she has been very weak. Therefore, interventional therapy kills the tumor without causing side effects to her body. After 7 months of treatment and recuperation, her condition was constantly improving. According to PET-CT scan, the tumor in her spleen was applicable to surgery. On March 26, 2018, she received surgical resection. A month later, her body recovered very well.
Best wishes for quick recovery and happy life
Before arrival at St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou, Nguyen was worried about troubles in communication and inconvenience in foreign country. While, now she feels like home here due to attentive care in St.Stamford Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou. Doctors, nurses and interpreters are passionate and considerate. On behalf of her families, Nguyen expresses heartfelt gratitude towards all medical staff, who brought her life back to normal. She also cherishes best wishes for quick recovery and happy life.
Years of anticancer journey generated her passion for life and love for self, she also hopes other cancer patients fight courageously and never quit the battle against cancer.